• What are the client’s primary and secondary investment objectives (safety, income, growth, liquidity, and/or tax minimization)?
  • What is the client’s experience, skill, and knowledge of investing, and investment risk tolerance?
  • What is the clients time commitment required to manage the investment portfolio?
  • Is there a balance between the client’s required retirement income and the growth of the investment portfolio, over both the short term and long term?
  • Does the client understand the trade-off between the portfolio’s investment risk and the financial risk of outliving investment assets?

  • Are both spouses comfortable with an investment plan for a joint, integrated investment portfolio)
  • Has a long-term strategic asset allocation been determined for the client and spouse, based on a joint retirement objective?
  • What is the concentration of registered assets (including DBPP) and non-registered investment assets in each spouse’s hands?
  • Are there sufficient equities in the client’s portfolio to ensure the required growth over the long term?
  • Does the client’s total investment portfolio have sufficient investment in foreign content?
  • Does the client have a need for income in U.S. dollars (“snowbirds”) or in other foreign currency?
  • Does the client have an interest in a borrowing-to-invest strategy for non-registered assets.
  • If the client has more than sufficient retirement assets, are the assets invested appropriately to maximize the client’s residual estate.
  • Is it appropriate to consider segregated funds for the client as an investment/estate planning option?
  • Has an investment policy statement been developed for, and agreed to, by the client?

Are the client’s registered assets and non-registered investment assets being drawn down in the most tax-efficient manner?

Has the tax efficiency of the client’s mutual funds and other investments been assessed?

Is there an accrued tax liability on the client’s existing non-registered investment assets?

Does the client require Significant tax-efficient income from non-registered investment assets?

  • Has the option of a SWP on non-registered equity funds been assessed?
  • Has the option of dividend funds/preferred shares been assessed?

Should the aggressive equities be held in the lower-income spouse’s portion of the portfolio (income splitting strategy)?

Note on Checklists: For all checklists, we generally use the term “client” in the singular. However, if the client has a spouse/partner, the issues in the checklist concern both clients.


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